Carrie Glenn

Periscope Queen👑

Etiquette Coach👒

Personal Talent Manager🎬

Ready to speak at YOUR next event!

Media Bio

Bio coming soon.

(Headshots available below)

Carrie's Video

(coming soon)

As seen in...

Blog Talk Radio with

Warren Whitlock

TODAY Show onlineThe TODAYShow Shortcuts with

Aly Walansky

As seen interviewing...

(pic coming soon)

Ron Joseph, Emmy Award winning Actor

Doug and Ally Cohen, Periscope Summit Speakers

Raymond Cinemato

Karlton Meadows

Warren Whitlock

Warren Whitlock

Mark Shaw

Charity Casen

🎤 These are a few of my favorite 🎤


Speaking totally ROCKS! Here are a few of the things that rock my world!

Speech 1

Speech 2

Speech 3


Need a high-def pic to include in your write up or website? Pick one from below!

(more to come soon)